The same perspectives at different angles (in order):
Mash Up Article:
It’s tempting to focus on what you build but what really counts,
what really drives the experience of architecture is space? Space and place are among the most discussed
concepts in architecture. Within architectural space it is important to establish
a sense of place. Space is not
something predetermined and fixed; In fact, it is the personal location which
defines the space. While space is an open and abstract area,
place is not considered as a subjective and abstract concept, it rather is a
location or a part of space which obtains its particular identity through the
factors inside it and has a meaning and value. Viewing architecture
as space reminds us that the Experience of the built environment is primarily
the experience of spatial boundaries and connections. People need a sense of identity and
belonging to a specific place or territory. A key factor in distinguishing
place from space is the ability for humans to interact. This provides occupants
with a feeling of belonging to the environment, instead of just “passing
through it.” Space Flows, and is primarily experienced “in time”, and this
narrative and sequencing of connections and boundaries has been described as
the poetry of movement. Buildings that guide you through them while providing
you with enough information to make meaningful decisions along the way can make
for quite profound experiences.
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